Roads Traveled

A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour." Anonymous

It’s been whirlwind. I’ve been quiet on the writing front but it’s been an incredibly productive time. A while ago I moved to the City. I realized, I’m just not a Marin person. The short time spent there was lovely, but just not me. You know how that goes don’t you? When you feel so compelled to DO that you just DO? All those asks to the universe, family and friends (thank you) meant that I found a place in less time that I care to admit publicly given the housing challenges in SF. Searched, found, rented and moved in about two months. A whirlwind.

I also squeezed in a quick trip to Portland for some much needed tribe time. Lots of laughs, more coffee and wine than I needed, a couple of runs and a bike ride. Heaven.

With that. I’m off to sleep. I promise, more in the next week. I miss writing and sharing This Life here.

PS: Just picked up Crucial Conversations. Love. If you haven’t read. Do.